There are many "sayings" that are running in a social networking sites, the majority containing reflection and motivation. Phrases that provide: 1) how to promote resilience (ability to cope with crises and potentially traumatic situations and come out stronger) and 2) get a positive resignation. This is the compilation of some of these phrases and images exemplifying collected in recent weeks by the Facebook. I'm going to try, from my own experience, , build a smart storybook-_ for the pacient stroke survivor: Get your life started again. Surely there are some aspects that are missing, but if we collect more sentences it can improve and also achieve other aspects of the patient, their carers and their lives .
I think it may be a useful tool
Here you have a handful of phrases to share. These phrases are not specific for a stroke or for an illness, and can be applied to many other life events. However, once you ordered and read they , I think they have a very special and sense of history of stroke on a standard patient.The list can tailor-modify-improve upon our own experience as patients and survivors can ever be more useful to help new surviving patients.
I think it may be a useful tool as a self-help or to help for the task's caregiver.
I apologize for the translation into English. It is not very good; I hope however well understood.
Here you are the spanish version
THE BEGINNING. [Just in the intensive care unit].
0. We are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in just one day
0. The first thing you think is "why has touched me"
Just after the intensive care unit. From the beginning we are a patient, probably with obvious limitations or disabilities. This patient must know:
1. Some things do not change, we simply have to understand, accept and move on.
2. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
3. Lucky enough to get a second chance. Don't waste it
4. Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is mistery, Today is a gift
5. The destination is never a place, but a way of seeing the things.
6.Is not the end of the world, it is the beginning of a new world
Right, that is clear, and now, what?
6. Your brain can keep learning and changing every day of your life. (This is known as neuroplasticity, and the good news is that it is the only organ in the body that is not spent with use.)
7. So don't forget you survived and now we must learn to not just survive but thrive!!
7. While you live, you need to follow learning to live.
8. Stroke, the difficult task of relearning.
9. Fix your eyes forward on what you can do, not back what you can not change
10. Someday you'll say it was not easy but I got it.
11. Can we fight fear and make it a challenge? absolutely true
12. Anyone can be, if he tries, sculptor of his own brain
13. If you stumble, make it part of the dance
14. How others see you is not important. How you see yourself means everything
Rehabilitation (the big project):
15. To start a big project you need courage. To finish it requires persistence and tenacity.
16. Take your first step now. No need to see the complete path, but gives your first step. The rest is displayed as you walking
17. If fights can lose, otherwise struggles are lost.
18. At the summit fails beating others but surpassing ourselves. (Do not envy the progress of others. Rather, Strive to achieve your own goals).
19. The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.
20. If you're going to dream, you dream: it is possible.
21. your mood is your destination
Rehabilitation (what we do)
22. Be Disciplined, applied, discrete and above all to enjoy!
23. Perhaps life hit me hard, but has failed to remove my smile.
24. Feel, think, experience. All we are is the result of what we have thought
25. For each stimulus that triggers an emotion new connections between groups of cells in our brain are generated.
26. To find rewarding experiences and avoid those that cause stress can help anyone to optimize their own brain.
27. Recalls, will transform what is left of the brain: There is no rock in your path you can not take for your own growth
28. I love the light for it shows me the way. And also I love the darkness for it shows me the stars.
29. Focus on what you can do, stay positive, and believe what you will do one day, and it will happen
30. If you have an opportunity to use your voice you should use it
We must never lose your way, even though it will have ups and downs, valleys, peaks and pits
31. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments
32. Do not give up under any circumstances.
31. aphasic: What I like about you is that you do not use use words you use feelings.
33. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance
34. Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit.
35. nothing will ever come to you magically. You must work to get
36. when you look in the mirror and see no change and still keep faith, knowing that in time you will get there if you stay focused and on track, that's the difference between those who succeed and those who fail

Interestingly objectives set goals despite the uncertainty and the conditions are not optimal.
37. If are thinking it you can, you're at halfway.
38. If you wait for perfect conditions, you'll never get anything done
39. Do not let that the things you want are making you the forget the things you have
39. The challenge is to learn to live this new life with all that entails, adapt to the new conditions and demonstrate what we do.
and achieved inertia and can not lose
40. What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.
40. The manner in which a person takes charge of your destiny is more decisive than the destination itself.
41. Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep your balance you must keep moving.
42. Happiness does not depend on what one has, but makes good use of what you have
43. Success in life is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the obstacles you overcome
44. The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you're come.
Surely we need to show our appreciation to caregivers
45. For my partner: Love me when I least deserve it, because it will be when you need it
46. The best gift is someone to hug you and tell you "no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side""
47.The giver ... should not be agreed; but the recipient must never forget
48. Rate whom you dedicated your time, because you are giving something that will never recover.
49. Sometimes the best support is just being there to listen. Having someone listen to me and hear what i was going through, meant the world to me
50. My lighthouse, my light ... my caregiver.
51. Those persons performing silent silent tasks that enable coexistence and recovery from illness. The importance of quiet caregiver]
52. Caregivers, thanks for being wise as silence, strong as the wind and useful as light.
53. Thanks to the flame light, but do not forget the foot of the lamp that holds patient.
54. Caring for a loved one after a stroke can be rewarding and challenging... Don’t forget to take time for yourself.
55. If you do not care for caregivers not have a sick, but two.
56. when "i" is replaced by "we". even illness becomes wellness
57. Without the support of my family and coworkers, this would have been an impossible journey.
At the end, we get where we get (which will never be the final), after all, what is going to be just the tip of the iceberg:

Whatever happens, and whatever results (Sean never last and final) always positive
58. You should never give up
59. The transfer is positive gente el mundo ... whilst it maintained the refusal as is.
60 Every new day is a second chance
61. The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
62. I don't know how my story will end, but no where in the text will it ever read... she gave up
63. I may not have gone where i intended to go, but I think i've ended up where I needed to be
64. In summary, I have learned that with motivation and determination most things are possible. Never give up!
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